Electrical Conformity – OSHA Safety Analysis
C3 Engineering | Conformity

OSHA Safety Analysis
Working around live electricity is a serious hazard. Engineers, linemen, electricians, and others who work with electricity directly, and workers who work with electricity indirectly may be exposed to serious electrical hazards.
OSHA regulations can be difficult to navigate, especially when they defer to other entities like NFPA or ANSI or ACGIH for guidelines. Whether it is fall protection, electrical safety, arc flash or forklift operation – we can do comprehensive OSHA safety audits of your operations and facility. This gap analysis can highlight where your programs are compliant, need work or don’t exist at all. We can explain what is required in regard to training and written programs, and then we can help train your employees. Having a safe workplace is not only a legal requirement, but also the right thing to do. Having an awesome safety program is part of being a highly ranked employer and we can help with that whether you are just starting out or have an existing program.
Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help your company succeed!
OSHA covers electrical safety in several areas. Most notable are 29 CFR 1910, Subpart I, Subpart R, and Subpart S. These Subparts pertain to Personal Protective Equipment, Special Industries and Electrical (Safety) Standard respectively. It should also be noted that National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Section 70, (National Electrical Code) and Section 70E, (Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace) also provide significant guidance regarding electrical safety. It should be noted that OSHA has specific requirements regarding Hazard Communication, Training, Lockout/Tagout and other safety activities related to electrical safety.
As with all OSHA related regulations, there is no “out” if a condition is not specifically addressed. 29 CFR 1910 Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (the “General Duty Clause”) requires an employer to furnish to its employees: “employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees…” In other words, if the employer knows about a hazard, or should reasonably know about a hazard, it needs to be mitigated.
Our staff are very knowledgeable about OSHA and NFPA requirements. They are experienced field staff who can identify safety hazards and requirements specific to your workplace and provide the required or recommended training in a dynamic environment with a style well-suited to adult learning. The bottom line – our training is accurate, efficient and effective. Whether you just have a question, or you need a comprehensive evaluation of your safety program, please reach out to us.