Get To Know C3 Engineering
Our Story
We explain and assist with implementing best practices – that’s what we do.
We are engineers, testing technicians, electrical inspectors, project managers and electrical safety professionals with decades of experience. As our careers merged, overlapped and paralleled over the years – we all noticed the same thing. We figured out what was missing from our industry. Understand this about us: outside of our professions we too are customers and consumers. We don’t want to be sold to. We want to be educated. We want to be informed. We want to be helped. We want to know that the information being presented is the most current, the most applicable and in our best interest. We want to know that pricing is fair, and is applicable only to what we want, or need. Not extra fluff. Not hocus pocus. Not fear mongering – and that is exactly how we will treat our clients.

The useful utilization of electricity can be intimidating if that is not your regular area of expertise. We will explain to our customers what they need to do, what they should do, and what would be prudent to do as best practice. Then we will help you. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. We look forward to it.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help you bridge uncertainty through assistance and education.
Is my facility compliant?
Will my electrical gear function when it needs to?
Are my employees safe?
How can I ensure my new equipment will pass city inspection?
We can put you in a position to answer all of those questions and more, with certainty. Put simply, our goal is to help you focus on your mission by taking the mystery out of electricity. “Sales” will never be C3’s priority – it’s not what we are all about. Quality Consulting sells itself. Our mission is to understand your need or concern, use our technical knowledge and expertise to explain without embellishment best approach, and help in whatever way you need.
Our Promise
The success of our company is not measured by sales, but our customers’ peace of mind. It’s not a marketing slogan or cute cliché – it’s our focus. It’s what has been missing. Business owners don’t need more salespeople knocking on their doors; they need help. Help provided by people who are some of the most knowledgeable in the industry. Come to us with a problem and we will tell you what you are required to do (by law or regulation), what you should do (to be prudent) and is what might be appropriate to do (as an industry leader focused on Best Practice) – nothing more. That’s our promise to you.